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  • RelatableMommy

Breastfeeding Story

The whole time I was pregnant, my plan was to breastfeed. I was so excited to hold my baby and feed her, and have that connection with her. When I was 6-7 months pregnant, my breasts leaked like crazy! I was so excited. When baby girl was born, my colostrum came really easily and it was such a special moment every time I fed my baby girl. A few days in, it seemed like she was getting fed, but her doctors were worried about her weight gain. I did NOT want to supplement with formula. I was a woman. I was supposed to feed my baby with my breasts. As the days went on I found I wasn't producing more than an ounce per breast. I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong. I supplemented because my baby needed to eat. I was heartbroken. People started to tell me that I wasn't trying hard enough, that I was a bad mom for giving my baby formula. I was so floored by the amount of comments I received from people I didn't know to people I was close to. When I went in for my post-OP check, my doctor checked my breasts and asked (out of nowhere) how breastfeeding was going. I told her and she told me she figured since I had hard tissue blocking my milk ducts! There was absolutely nothing I could have done to produce milk, and she was surprised I had gotten as much as I did. To say I felt relief is an understatement. I was thankful for formula, I was thankful to know I wasn't a failure, I was thankful for a healthy, happy, FED baby! Now I have a thriving relationship with my daughter, she is very healthy, and loves all kinds of food. Fed is best! If you are able to breastfeed, if you choose to formula feed, it's okay! As long as you are feeding your baby, you're amazing!

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