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  • RelatableMommy


Due to C-19 I haven't worked since March 17!! That means I haven't gotten a paycheck either. Luckily my husband is essential and worked throughout this entire thing so we weren't completely without. With that being said, I do not like asking him for money so I can buy stuff for the baby or coffee or his birthday or Father's Day or whatever. Right now we don't have our bank accounts linked because of my credit score. So I needed to figure out a way to make some extra cash! There are a few things I do.

1. My main source of side income in delivering with Postmates! Its easy work that I can bring the baby along. Sometimes, my husband will come with so I can stay in the car with the baby while he runs in to the store or restaurant. He has even signed up for it too now!

2. Another thing I do is play games on my phone through the app Mistplay. I have done lots of research on game apps that pay out and most are scams or take months and months to make $5. Mistplay is legit! It's slow for sure, but not as slow. There are many gift cards options you can choose from and I usually go for the $10 Amazon card. The codes work! I've made about $60 for Amazon in the past 6 months. Yes that doesn't seem like a lot, but it makes me feel ok to splurge on little things for myself every once in a while.

3. I use This one I did fall for the whole make hundreds of dollars a month scheme. What this is, is you put an ad sticker on your back window for passive income. First of all, you pay $9.99 a month! And you only make between $11-$13 a month, so really your "passive income" is a couple dollars a month. Once my campaign is finished I probably won't do it anymore. I don't think this is worth it. Do you know of a car campaign company that actually pays well?? Let me know!

4. I've been really into getting paid for being on social media lately! I'm doing research and growing my pages. I've made a little bit of money so far, as well as gotten free products. I can't wait to keep growing with this! Got any tips? Please leave them in my comments!

My ultimate goal is to be able to not have to go back to work whenever it opens up again. I have really enjoyed being a SAHM and I would love to be able to be a full time SAHM.

If you want me to test out money paying apps or anything, leave me a comment and I'll check it out!

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